
Devin and I had our 19 week ultrasound yesterday to see the anatomy of the baby and the size and find out the sex.  First glance of the little one was a profile shot of the bitty baby sleeping away.  It just amazes me to see how they change so much from just 8 weeks to 20 weeks.  Crazy.  God is awesome.  Then, the tech asked us if we wanted to know the sex and I said yes and she panned over to that area and I knew right away that we weren’t looking at anything that resembled Rylea in there.  It was pretty obvious that it was a boy right away.  I was shocked!

I had convinced myself in my mind this whole time that we were having another girl, and hadn’t even entertained the idea of a boy being in there, but man was I wrong (and stupid for thinking that I was the One in control of this whole thing)!  I looked over at Devin right away who had a huge smile on his face and a little Rylea on his lap saying “baby, baby” while pointing at the screen.  We’re so excited to be having a little boy being added to the mix.  I’m looking forward to watching him and Devin wrestle and get dirty and smelly and doing all those boy things that Rylea doesn’t so much like to do.  I have loved every minute of getting to dress my little girl up and putting bows on her head and sewing very girly things for her, and now I get to make a shift from pink to blue and sew little manly things.  🙂  Looking forward to seeing how the dynamic in our family will change in the next few months, and what great joy the new little one will bring to all of us!

Praise the Lord for another healthy baby!

3 thoughts on “Surprise!

  1. Woohoo!!!!! I’m so excited for you guys! Even though you love dressing your little girls in cute bows and hair attire, you are going to LOVE having a little boy around! I’m so happy for you all!

    • Thanks Michele! Now the sewing begins. I’ve got to recover Rylea’s car seat and make a few boppy covers. Then I have to figure out how to de-girl the pack and play and swing too. 🙂 Our little boys will be about a year apart. How fun 🙂

  2. Congratulations! Our families are going to almost match! I wish we were closer so our toddler girls and our baby boys could play together. Have fun. I hope you’re doing well and feeling great!

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